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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - scrap


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse skrap ~s; akin to Old Norse skrapa to ~e  Date: 14th century  1. plural fragments of discarded or leftover food  2.  a. a small detached piece a ~ of paper  b. a fragment of something written, printed, or spoken ~s of conversation  c. the least bit not a ~ of evidence  3. plural cracklings  4.  a. fragments of stock removed in manufacturing  b. manufactured articles or parts rejected or discarded and useful only as material for reprocessing; especially waste and discarded metal  II. transitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: circa 1891  1. to convert into ~  2. to abandon or get rid of as no longer of enough worth or effectiveness to retain ~ outworn methods  Synonyms: see discard  III. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1846 fight  IV. intransitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: circa 1874 quarrel, fight
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См. в других словарях

  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a small detached piece; a fragment or remnant. 2 rubbish or waste material. 3 an extract or cutting from something written or printed. 4 discarded metal for reprocessing (often attrib.: scrap metal). 5 (with neg.) the smallest piece or amount (not a scrap of food left). 6 (in pl.) a odds and ends. b bits of uneaten food. 7 (in sing or pl.) a residuum of melted fat or of fish with the oil expressed. --v.tr. (scrapped, scrapping) discard as useless. Phrases and idioms scrap heap 1 a pile of scrap materials. 2 a state of uselessness. scrap merchant a dealer in scrap. Etymology: ME f. ON skrap, rel. to skrapa SCRAPE 2. n. & v. colloq. --n. a fight or rough quarrel, esp. a spontaneous one. --v.tr. (scrapped, scrapping) (often foll. by with) have a scrap. Derivatives scrapper n. Etymology: perh. f. SCRAPE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) отходы, сил. тж бой; обрезки 2) скрап; лом 3) превращать в лом 4) фарматура (табака) 5) мн. ч. пищ. шквара - alloy-free scrap - all-rubber scrap - baled scrap - balled scrap - bar-stocks scrap - basic-oxygen furnace scrap - blast-furnace scrap - bottom scrap - branded scrap - bulk scrap - bundle scrap - busheling scrap - capital scrap - casthouse scrap - casting scrap - charging-box scrap - chip scrap - chipped scrap - conditioned scrap - contaminant-free scrap - contaminated scrap - direct-delivery scrap - electric-furnace scrap - forge scrap - foundry scrap - fragmentized scrap - glass scrap - graded scrap - hard rubber scrap - heavy breakable scrap - high-grade melting scrap - home scrap - household scrap - incinerated scrap - industrial scrap - iron-and-steel scrap - irregular scrap - junk scrap - long-length scrap - matte scrap - merchantable scrap - metal scrap - nonreclaimable scrap - obsolete scrap - open-hearth scrap - packed scrap - pipe-mill scrap - pit scrap - plant scrap - procured scrap - resalable scrap - rolling mill scrap - rubber scrap - runner scrap - shredded scrap - side scrap - slag scrap - sow scrap - sprue-and-runner scrap - top scrap - trim scrap - uncured scrap - ungraded scrap - uranium scrap ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) лом 2) ломовой 3) лохмоток 4) металлический лом 5) металлолом 6) обрезок 7) скрап 8) скрапоразделочный 9) утильсырье basic-oxygen furnace scrap — лом для кислородных конвертеров Calderon scrap charger — лотковая завалочная машина scrap breaking unit — дробитель scrap charging car — тележка для завалки лома scrap processing yard — скрапоразделочный двор - bulky scrap - capital scrap - casting scrap - fagoting scrap - foundry scrap - fragment the scrap - graded scrap - heavy scrap - high-density scrap - home scrap - household scrap - industrial scrap - light scrap - long-length scrap - low-grade scrap - lump scrap - melting scrap - mixed scrap - mold scrap - obsolescent scrap - open-hearth scrap - oversize scrap - reduce the scrap - roll scrap - scrap a sheet - scrap bin - scrap charger - scrap grapple - scrap iron - scrap leather - scrap machinery - scrap metal - scrap picking - scrap remelting - scrap shears - scrap yard - sort the scrap - specification scrap - standard-size scrap - upgrade the scrap ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. металлический лом, скрап, металлические отходы производства 2. гл. превращать в лом ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. кусочек; клочок, обрывок a scrap of meat —- (жалкий) кусочек мяса a scrap of paper —- клочок бумаги only a scrap of paper, a mere scrap of paper —- клочок бумаги, пустое обещание, ничего не стоящий документ tea without a scrap of sugar —- чай без кусочка сахара scraps of material —- обрезки ткани; лоскуты a few scraps of news —- несколько незначительных новостей to catch scraps of conversation —- услышать обрывки разговора to pick up scraps of knowledge —- набраться отрывочных знаний 2. мизерное количество a scrap of hope —- проблеск надежды not a scrap —- ни капли (чего-л.) not a scrap of interest —- ни капли интереса not a scrap of evidence —- никаких доказательств you have not eaten a scrap all day —- вы не съели ни крошки за целый день a little scrap of a man —- крошечный человечек that won't benefit you a scrap —- вы ничего от этого не получите I don't care a scrap! —- мне это абсолютно безразлично!, меня это ни капли не волнует; мне наплевать! 3. остатки, объедки to give the scraps to the dog —- отдать объедки собаке to dine off scraps —- съесть остатки вчерашнего обеда 4. вырезки (из газет, книг) to collect scraps —- собирать газетные вырезки 5. собир. металлический лом, скрап 6. запоротые детали; брак scrap heap —- склад металлолома; кладбище автомобилей; свалка (также scrap ground) to sell for scrap —- продать на слом 7. шкварки 8. собир. рыбные...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) клочок, кусочек, лоскуток  2) pl. остатки, объедки  3) вырезка из газеты  4) collect. металлический лом, скрап Syn: see fragment  2. v.  1) отдавать на слом; превращать в лом  2) выбрасывать за ненадобностью Syn: see discard II coll.  1. noun драка, стычка; ссора  2. v. драться ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (scraps, scrapping, scrapped) 1. A scrap of something is a very small piece or amount of it. A crumpled scrap of paper was found in her handbag... They need every scrap of information they can get. N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. Scraps are pieces of unwanted food which are thrown away or given to animals. ...the scraps from the Sunday dinner table. N-PLURAL 3. If you scrap something, you get rid of it or cancel it. (JOURNALISM or INFORMAL) President Hussein called on all countries in the Middle East to scrap nuclear or chemical weapons... VERB: V n 4. Scrap metal or paper is no longer wanted for its original purpose, but may have some other use. There’s always tons of scrap paper in Dad’s office. ADJ: ADJ n 5. Scrap is metal from old or damaged machinery or cars. Thousands of tanks, artillery pieces and armored vehicles will be cut up for scrap. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PAPER/CLOTH« a small piece of paper, cloth etc + of  (He wrote his address on a scrap of paper and gave it to me. | a quilt made out of scraps of old fabric) 2 »OLD OBJECTS« materials or objects that are no longer used for the purpose they were made for, but can be used again in another way  (The car was eventually sold for scrap. | scrap metal (=metal from old cars, machines etc that is melted and used again)) 3 »FOOD« scraps pieces of food that are left after you have finished eating  (They fed the dog on scraps.) 4 »INFORMATION« a small piece of information, truth etc + of  (There wasn't a single scrap of evidence to connect him with the murder. | scraps of news) 5 not make a scrap of difference informal to not change a situation at all  (Nothing I said made a scrap of difference.) 6 »FIGHT« informal a short fight or argument  (The girls have scraps over their toys sometimes, but nothing serious.) ~2 v scrapped, scrapping 1 to decide not to use a plan or system because it is not practical  (We've decided to scrap the whole idea of renting a car.) 2 to get rid of an old machine, vehicle etc, and use its parts in some other way  (The navy's biggest aircraft carrier is being scrapped this year.) 3 informal to have a short fight or argument scrap paper ~ n BrE paper, often paper that has already been used on one side, that you use for making notes, lists etc; scratch paper AmE ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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